CoinLoan Token (CLT) is a company’s native coin.
You can transfer CLT from any digital wallet to our platform if you purchased it on a third-party crypto exchange or buy it directly on CoinLoan.
Where can I get CoinLoan Token?
CoinLoan Exchange
The easiest way to purchase CLT is to log in or sign up to CoinLoan and go to our Exchange. You can pair CLT with any other currency available on the platform.
CoinLoan Exchange — Web platform
⠀⠀2. Bittrex Global (BTC/CLT and USDT/CLT)
On Bittrex, you can purchase CLT for BTC or USDT. To exchange coins, you need to create an account on the platform and pass the KYC verification.
Follow the link to buy CLT for BTC on Bittrex Global.
BTC/CLT exchange pair — Bittrex Global
Click here to buy CLT for USDT.
USDT/CLT exchange pair — Bittrex Global
⠀⠀3. HitBTC (BTC/CLT and USDT/CLT)
You can exchange CoinLoan Token with BTC and USDT on HitBTC. To do that, you should sign up on the platform. Completing the KYC verification will give you higher operation limits and lower fees.
Go here to buy CLT for BTC.
BTC/CLT exchange pair — HitBTC
Check the USDT/CLT exchange pair by following the link.
USDT/CLT exchange pair — HitBTC